A Series of Firsts

This blog post is the culmination of a strange series of firsts, I think. 

My first serious attempt at writing was fanfiction - featuring a self-insert Star Wars character I wrote with my step-sisters, a long long time ago (in a galaxy far far away). From there, Harry Potter caught my imagination, and dragged me into the fandom community (I wrote an alternate Book 5 while waiting for Book 5 to be released). 

My first original characters were mostly troubled teenagers in fantastic worlds, driven to do great things by circumstances and their own desires. At the core of what I write, my characters are still this - just a little older, and perhaps a little wiser. A lot of my characters have been with me for at least ten years. But through the years, my desire to write and create has only grown stronger. 

I first decided to take writing seriously two years ago... to see if I could keep myself writing every day, every week, every month. Along the way I made some great writing buddies (another first!), finished my first second draft, and wrote way too many words. 

Last year, I requested my first commission of an original character... and seeing one of my oldest creations come to life on the page in a different way was amazing. 

I got my first writing room (a spare bedroom my husband graciously helped me clear out and decorate)... my own space to create and develop. 

Then my first submission to the writer's competition, Ink & Insights... my first real commentary from judges... then the big one, taking First Place in the Apprentice Category (I'm still so thrilled about this!).


And now... my first blog post on my first website. I know I've got a long way to go still, before I get to my ultimate goal of getting published... but I'm a lot closer than I was two years ago. I'm so grateful for the opportunities I've been given, and the people I've met and befriended along the way. I hope to share many more firsts with them.

But for now I think I'll just sit back and enjoy what I've accomplished so far. (And continue to write.) In a couple of months I hope to have a first Draft 3 to celebrate!